Monday, January 20, 2014

A girl, A Rottweiler, Eccentricities

Now Moses, as far as we know is a regular typically developing Rottweiler, though it has been argued that he may be smarter or dumber than typically developing Rottweilers normally are. He however to the general consensus of the house is far more intellegent than we often give him credit for.
He has little things that differentiate him from the common dog, an who really knows these might be normal for the common Rottweiler
 So here is a list of the top ten Moses Eccentricities.

1. The ability to open the sliding glass door. Moses without fail, opens and closes the sliding back door of the house if we leave it unlocked. He would much rather go with us then be left at home and so without opposible thumbs. (I want to go! I want to go!)

2. Baths, he doesnt mind them, in fact he almost enjoys them. He will grab whatever is on the side of the bathtub push it underwater and procced to stick his face in the water. He tries to blow bubbles and comes up snorting when water gets in his nose. After one time we thought it was a fluke but he does this continually. (did you see water comes out my nose! My nose!) 

3. He howls in his sleep. Moses is generally a very quiet dog, when barking he lets out one big bark then stops. He also rarely growls (unless my brother is bothering him). So when we heard him howl for teh first time we were rather worried, until we realized he was asleep.  (zzzzzzzz awwowooooooo!) 

4. He has a psychosomatic limp. He sprained his left front leg when he was really little and since then when he doesn't want to do something he plays it up. (We've taken him to the vet, he's fine). (SEE MY LEG? IT HURTS! DON'T WANNA!) 

5. When at the dog park and he doesn't want to leave he he wades out into the ice cold water and lays down, pretending he doesn't hear you calling. (lalalalalalla i cant hear you.)

6. The puppy head tilt is no longer a way to say "I'm confused" no it is now a way to shift the blame to someone other then himself. If he has done something wrong and you look at him, he tilts his head trying to make you feel like you are the bad guy by confusing the puppy, it works 25% of the time. (Cookies what are you talking about? I saw no cookies!) 

7. We have a large rocking chair in the front of our house that looks out a huge window. Moses sits on the chair leans it all the way back and puts his head on the back of it to look out the window. His paws rest on the arms of the chair. ( Just watching people and dogs pass by)

8. If you put peanut butter on his nose instead of just trying to lick it off, he wipes it on counters and the fridge. Because its easier to get off that way. (AHA! I figured it out!) 

9. He cheats at hide and go seek. You tell him to stay to go hide and he stays until he no longer sees you and proceeds to go the opposite direction you did. Because he assumes he can circle around and you will have not found a hiding spot yet. (Found you!)

10. And the tenth thing is.... .He turns on and off the Xbox. When he thinks you dont have enough time for him he sticks his nose on the power button and turns it on and off. (Poor you! Forgot to save? Lol. Come play with me!) 

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